Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Note on the Cold

Man it is cold! This morning I went out at a quarter to ten - it was still dark but the sun was starting to rise. I walked for about an hour, to the Church of Saint Isaac and around it, because it opened at 11 and I had to wait. 

People walk really fast: understandably, in this cold you want to get to where you’re going as soon as possible (though I, at least, also have to pay attention to the ice on the sidewalks). I was warm enough in my upper body, but my legs – the part in between my coat and my boots – got really cold and eventually insensitive. It’s a tiring kind of cold, even if you’re not doing anything but walk, it feels like an intense physical effort just to be in it. It hit me pretty badly as I was walking to the church: at some point my head started to ache and I got nauseous. As I usually do in these situations, I thought about the people who have notoriously been in the same situation. In this case, our soldiers during WW2 and Anna Akhmatova. 

C. S.: you would die in two seconds! I'm so glad you're not here :)

And yes, people (men) are drinking on the street in the morning. 

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